In order to better inform the visitor of our website about the availability of the information of visitors to our website, as well as the Facebook page of the SixPack Design Study, we decided to improve the privacy policy
SixPack design studio as the owner of this site is trying to provide all visitors and clients with a higher level of quality of services, which includes taking care of the privacy of the visitor's data in accordance with the rules of the GDPR EU regulations.
The SixPack Design Studio website uses cookies that serve to track, analyze, and segment the ways and behaviors of a site visitor in order to improve user experience.
Google Search and Google Analytics services are installed on our website to help us track website visits and data analysis.
All data collected and processed by the service is used exclusively for informational purposes within our team and is not processed externally by third parties or software. By accepting cookies on our site, you also accept the use of data collected and processed by these services, as well as the use of our site.
All the visitor information we receive through the contact form on the site will be used exclusively for the purpose of answering and providing information regarding the issues raised. The data will not be shared with other persons nor used in any other way than the above.
Anyone who has contacted us will be able to ask us to delete their information at any time, for which we only need to contact us via the contact form on the Contact page or directly to the office {at}
We thank you for understanding and trust.